Event Photos 2018

40th Anniversary

June 2nd, 2018


Starting Field: 83
Finished under 24 hours: 35 (42%)
Finished under 28 hours: 55 (66%)


Starting weather 68ºF
High temp 74ºF at 1200
Overnight Low 65ºF from 2200 to 0400 with rain


Male Olivier Leblond: 17:01
Female Michelle Leduc: 20:18
More results

Olivier Leblond wins overall with a time of 17:01:45. The women came out this year ready to take the course. 3 women finish in the top 10. While 10 of them finished in 28 hours. The weather was not looking promising leading into the event, calling for thunderstorms all day and night. However, it held out for most of the day on Saturday. Leaving the rain to come in starting around 10pm Saturday night and would not ease up until early morning. If the race started 4 hours later we would have been swimming more than running, as Passage Creek flooded Fort Valley by 11am on Sunday.

This year we moved to online registration and sold out the race weeks leading up the event. See more 2018 photos on our Facebook page.

Bib 72 looks at the camera, another runner behind her. Runner gives a thumbs up Mike Jones with his wife, kids and mother. Ray Waldron back to the camera. He is wearing a shirt that says Race Director. He is holding
        the collar of his German Shepard dog while they both look off in the distance. Passge creek water at the bridge.
803 aid Station. Brock Webb and another runner receives aid. Cars lined up along the left side at 4-points. Crew waiting throughout the picture Keith Knipling 803 aid station. Volunteers proving aid to a runner. Sunday Morning Group photo in the rain. Tim Weber and Mark with their crew.
Bib 83 smiles at the camera at Crisman Hollow Jeff Stafford finishing with walking sticks Nurse Kelly and Dr. Kim stand under the classic Old Dominion banner at the fairgrounds Runner, turns the bend in the early hour of the event. Sophie S, bib 21, coming into Crisman hollow